

As a business owner, increasing sales can be a great mood lifter. But what happens if you get a large order and have no way to pay for the supplies? Sales doesn’t always equal immediate cash in hand, which can put a strain on your business accounts and your ability to deliver on time. Below,


The coronavirus pandemic has forced many businesses and entire industries to move their operations remotely in the interest of employee and customer safety, and this has caused these businesses to change the way they think about their operations. During this time, businesses have had to quickly adapt and implement new technology and processes in order


Small business owners are always looking for ways to make their lives easier, especially when it comes to the financial management side of their business. However, one area of financial management that deserves more attention from small business owners is bank reconciliations as it’s a task that is often put off or done inconsistently or


Companies are being forced to pivot and adapt both internally in how they handle operations and externally in how they interact with customers and maybe even the products they sell as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtually no industry has gone untouched with either significant challenges or significant opportunities (or both) during this time.


Many small business owners approach tax season with a can-do attitude. This is admirable, but when it comes to compliance, it is usually best to leave tax preparation to the experts. Being aware of common mistakes, like failing to comply with tax laws, violating tax codes, or incorrectly filling out forms, will help you avoid


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released another preview of Form W-4 to the public. The new design aims to simplify the withholding system, replacing complicated worksheets with questions designed for the layman. The hope is that the form will help employees report more accurate amounts, allowing the IRS a better assessment of taxes paid.


Final regulations from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) give employers decision-making rights on whether to truncate their employees’ Social Security Numbers (SSN) on Form W2, Wage and Tax Statement. The rule, which began its journey in 2017 as a set of proposed regulations, is another step in the right direction toward protecting employees from identity


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