

In the business world, blending passion with profitability is essential. Financial accounting has evolved into a strategic cornerstone that sets successful enterprises apart. In the age of data-driven decision-making, integrating financial strategy is vital. This article will help you understand how strong financial accounting can help you achieve your goals. The Intersection of Strategy and


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) unveiled proposed guidelines on Digital Asset Reporting, highlighting the mandatory reporting requirements for digital assets, from cryptocurrencies to non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This move comes in tandem with the exponential growth and mainstream acceptance of digital assets. In this article, we’ll review the reasons behind the proposed guidelines, what they mean


As a construction business owner, navigating the financial intricacies of your industry can be daunting. Between managing contracts and tracking new regulations, the shift from ASC 840 to ASC 842 in lease accounting standards may seem like just another complexity. However, understanding these changes and their implications is key to ensuring your business’s financial stability


As we approach the halfway point of 2023, it’s the perfect opportunity to evaluate your business tax planning and determine ways to decrease your tax burden. Employing the right strategies can reduce your taxes, optimize your cash flow, and enhance your long-term financial success. In this article, we’ll introduce three tax strategies for 2023: Roth


We have prepared this list of year-end reminders for you. If you would like us to prepare 4th quarter payroll reports, reconciliations & W-2s, please provide the wage information no later than January 9, 2023. This will ensure all W-2’s are provided to your employees by the January 31, 2023 deadline. W-2’s and Wages For


The House of Representatives passed The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Friday, August 12, and President Joe Biden signed into law August 16. The legislation, which is a pared-down version of the proposed Build Back Better plan, was passed through the budget reconciliation process and is expected to pay for itself and decrease the budget deficit.  


For more than 60 years, G.W. Samaha Antiques has been a prominent part of the community in Norwalk and surrounding towns. Milan, Ohio became an important antiques destination after G.W. Samaha, Sr. began hosting antiques shows in the Milan Town Hall ballroom several times a year.     The business was eventually handed down to G.W.


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