

The coronavirus pandemic has forced many businesses and entire industries to move their operations remotely in the interest of employee and customer safety, and this has caused these businesses to change the way they think about their operations. During this time, businesses have had to quickly adapt and implement new technology and processes in order


Small business owners are always looking for ways to make their lives easier, especially when it comes to the financial management side of their business. However, one area of financial management that deserves more attention from small business owners is bank reconciliations as it’s a task that is often put off or done inconsistently or


Companies are being forced to pivot and adapt both internally in how they handle operations and externally in how they interact with customers and maybe even the products they sell as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtually no industry has gone untouched with either significant challenges or significant opportunities (or both) during this time.


When you run a small business, you wear more than just one hat, but is budget master one of them? When it comes to protecting your bottom line, your budget plays a critical role. A smart budget accurately sets the tone for the timeline of your project; it also determines the people you hire and


Have you ever thought, I know we made more money than our statement shows, or I know we don’t owe that much in taxes; we never have any money! These moments of confusion are usually the result of either an assumption that your data is accurate, or a misunderstanding of how financial statements work. There


The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) made many changes to the Internal Revenue Code. While many were widely discussed, businesses should know other provisions that may affect the taxable income computations on federal tax returns. Gross Receipts Test More small businesses will be eligible to use the overall cash method of accounting since the


As a business owner, it is important to be able to read and understand the accounting terms found in your financial statements. Once you understand the basics of the financial statements, you can interpret what they mean to your organization’s financial health. Understanding your Financial Statements A Statement of Financial Position, also known as a


As a small business owner, you probably like what you do and are good at it. Bookkeeping is most likely not your favorite thing to do. You may see it as a necessary evil and put record keeping off as long as possible, perhaps even until year end when it’s time prepare your tax return!


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